1. Pot sa-mi depun dosarul chiar daca nu este complet?
Da, va puteti depune dosarul chiar daca nu este complet pentru a intra in baza noastra de date si a fi siguri ca veti avea un loc in program.
2. Trebuie sa merg personal la ambasada?
Da, fiecare aplicant va depune dosarul cu actele necesare si va sustine un interviu la Ambasada SUA din Bucuresti.
3. Work Experience imi garanteaza obtinerea vizei?
Work Experience nu garanteaza obtinerea vizei, este impotriva legislatiei americane sa faca acest lucru. Singura autoritate responsabila cu emiterea vizei este Consulatul SUA din Bucuresti.
4. Unde trebuie sa platesc taxa de viza?
Taxa pentru viza se plateste la Banca Transilvania, sau la orice sucursala a acesteia.
5. Voi sustine un interviu pentru obtinerea vizei?
Fiecare participant va sustine un interviu in persoana la Consulatul SUA din Bucuresti.
6. Daca am mai fost in SUA prin programul Work & Travel mai am dreptul sa ma inscriu?
Puteti sa va inscrieti, atata timp cat respectati conditiile de eligibilitate
7. Cand trebuie sa ma intorc in Romania?
In conformitate cu instructiunile primite de la Consulatul SUA din Bucuresti data dumneavoastra de intoarcere nu trebuie sa fie dupa data inceperii anului universitar care pentru majoritatea facultatilor din Romania este 1 octombrie.
8. Daca nu respect aceasta data se va tine cont daca o sa aplic pentru o alta viza de SUA?
Cu siguranta se va tine cont, consulatul SUA avand o evidenta stricta a datelor de intoarcere a tuturor participantilor in acest program.
9. Pot sa merg si sa lucrez impreuna cu prietenii mei in acelasi loc?
Da, in principiu acest lucru este posibil.
10. Cat de bine trebuie sa cunosc limba engleza?
Pentru a putea participa in program trebuie sa cunoasteti limba engleza la un nivel intermediar.
11. In cazul unui refuz al vizei pierd toata taxa de program?
Nu. Conditiile de recuperare a taxei de program cit si termenele la care banii vor fi returnati se regasesc in contractul de mediere.
12. Care ar putea fi motivele unui eventual refuz la vizei?
In conformitate cu legea Statelor Unite privind imigrarea, toti solicitantii pentru vize trebuie sa demonstreze la momentul interviului ca nu intentioneaza sa imigreze in SUA. Ei trebuie de asemenea sa demonstreze ca nu se vor implica in activitati necorespunzatoare care nu sunt in concordanta cu tipul de viza solicitat. Daca un ofiter consular v-a refuzat solicitarea de viza, acesta fie nu a fost sigur ca veti reveni in Romania, fie a suspectat ca intentionati sa mergeti in Statele Unite pentru alte scopuri decat cele pe care le-ati declarat.
13. In cazul unui refuz, sinteti obligati sa ne anuntati in cel mai scurt timp. Va trebui sa ne returnati formularul DS-2019, pentru a va putea returna taxa de program.
14. Pot avea second-job in SUA?
Da, conditiile programului va permit sa aveti o a doua slujba, atata vreme cat respectati angajamentul contractual initial.
15. Pot calatori?
Da, acest program va permite sa calatoriti o luna de zile dupa data expirarii datei inscrise pe formularul DS-2019 si a contractului. Trebuie sa tineti cont insa si de data de sfarsit a vacantei de vara.
16. Este posibil sa imi schimb statutul vizei?
Daca participantul doreste sa stea in SUA mai mult decat este indicat pe formularul DS2019, acesta trebuie sa schimbe statutul visei J1 cu cel al vizei de turist (B1/B2). Participantul ar trebui sa aplice pentru aceasta schimbare inainte ca perioada de gratie (30 zile) sa expire. Participantul trebuie sa completeze formularul pentru visa de turist la cel mai apropiat DHS (Department of Homeland Security) unde se va plati o taxa.
17. Este posibil ca participantul sa-si prelungeasca perioada de lucru in SUA?
Nu. Regulile J1 Visa formulate de catre guvernul american stipuleaza faptul ca studentul este autorizat sa lucreze doar pe perioda scrisa pe formularul DS2019
18. Ce inseamna SSN?
SSN este prescurtarea de la Social Security Number. Orice participant de Work & Travel, Professional Career Training este obligat sa aplice la un birou Social Security pentru a-l obtine si a lucra legal in SUA. Acest numar este unic pentru fiecare cetatean american. Este ceva asemanator codului numeric personal in Romania.
19. Este posibil ca participantii sa foloseasca acelasi Social Security Number dintr-un program anterior?
Da. Odata ce participantului ii este emis Sociale Security Number acesta ramane valabil pe viata.
20. Ce este formularul DS2019?
Formularul DS 2019 este formularul care iti da dreptul de munca si in baza caruia aplici pentru viza la ambasada
21. Care sunt taxele obligatorii ce trebuiesc platite de aplicanti in SUA?
Toti participantii la programul Work&Travel trebuie sa plateasca taxe federale, statale si locale care vor fi recuperate la venirea in tara prin completarea formularului W2.
Q. Who can apply for the program?
A. Students enrolled full-time at an accredited university. A three-year university is acceptable as long as it is accredited. All students must have a minimum 7 average in order to be considered bona fide students. SWT is a program for university students; therefore, only people who are students or who have just finished their studies can participate.
Q. What about foreign students studying in Romania?
A. All foreign students studying in Romania may apply at the embassy in Bucharest. All other students should apply in their home country.
Q. How does a student qualify for the SWT program?
A. In addition to good grades and English ability, SWT applicants must demonstrate that their situation is such that they will not want to remain in the United States. Consular officers may ask about a student’s family or financial situation as part of the visa interview.
Q. When can we start scheduling interviews for SWT?
A. You can begin scheduling interviews as soon as you have the DS 2019. We will start scheduling Friday appointments in March, but you can schedule appointments for Monday – Thursday prior to March.
Q. How do I schedule appointments for my students?
A. When you receive the DS 2019 for a student, you may contact the Call Center at [email protected]. You must provide the names of the students at the time you request the appointments.
Q. What should I do if I need to reschedule appointments?
A. You must contact the Call Center and provide the names of the students who are unable to attend their original appointment date. You may NOT switch an appointment slot with another student’s name. Once an appointment date is full, the Call Center will create a waiting list on a first-come first-serve basis. As slots become available due to cancellations, the Call Center will fill the open slots from the waiting list.
Q. Will you make Thursdays available for SWT appointments?
A. We will open up Thursday appointments in the first half of June only if there is high demand during that period (i.e. the Friday appointments have filled up). Please keep in mind that the SWT interviewing season coincides with the beginning of the tourist season and an increase in visitor visa applications; we will try to accommodate SWT demand the best we can without interfering with non-SWT visa applications.
Q. What should students bring to the interview?
A. DS 156 (must be filled out and printed at https://evisaforms.state.gov/
DS 157 (for male applicants only)
DS 158
SEVIS receipt (for information and instructions, go to www.fmjfee.com)
Adeverinta and student book
Official transcripts stamped and sealed in an envelope
Students who previously participated in SWT must bring proof of when they returned to Romania (e.g. old passport, boarding pass).
For final year students, any documentation that would show a reason to return to Romania upon the completion of the SWT season. This could include job offers, evidence of onward enrollment in a master’s program, etc.
Q. What do I do if the DS 2019 or SEVIS form has a mistake?
A. If the mistake is minor, such as a slight misspelling of the name or it doesn’t include the student’s middle name, you do NOT need to get a corrected form. However, we recommend that the student correct the mistake with their American sponsor to avoid any problems with his social security card. If the start date on the DS 2019 is before June 15 and the end date after October 1, that mistake MUST BE CORRECTED before the student’s visa can be issued.
Q. What is the new form DS 7002? Is it required for Summer Work & Travel?
A. The DS 7002 form is for J1 programs that require a training plan, specifically internships and formal training programs. Form DS 7002 is NOT needed for Summer Work & Travel.
Q. Can students who are refused a visa re-apply in the same SWT season?
A. Yes, but students who have been previously refused for the same SWT season must wait until the second half of June to schedule another appointment. Previously denied students who show up for a second interview before June 19 will be sent away and told to reschedule their appointment.
Q. How do we pick up the passports for students who obtain a visa?
A. Students whose visa application is approved will receive a numbered, colored ticket. A representative from each company can pick up the passports in person at 3:00 pm on the Monday following the visa appointment by bringing the tickets to the consular section. Or, you may receive the passports via a courier service by submitting an excel spreadsheet to [email protected] by the end of the day on the Monday following the visa interview. The excel spreadsheet should include: your company name, mailing address, each student’s name and ticket color/number. You pay the courier service when the passports are delivered.
Q. How long can students work and travel in the United States?
A. Students may not enter the United States before June 15 and should return to Romania by October 1 to begin their classes.
Q. But isn’t there a grace period that allows J1 visa holders to travel in the United States up to 30 days beyond the end date on the DS 2019 form?
A. The end date on the DS 2019 form is the last day a person can WORK in the United States. To ensure that the SWT program does not interfere with Romanian university classes and that students do not work past the authorized date, we ask all SWT students to be back by October 1. We take this very seriously and students who remain in the U.S. beyond October 1 may have a difficult time obtaining another visa in the future, even if they do not exceed their authorized stay.
Q. Where can I get details about the regulations for the SWT program?
A. We highly recommend you read these web sites:
Pentru alte intrebari sau informatii suplimentare, va rugam sa ne contactati.
Tipuri de vize.
Ce reprezinta SEVIS?
Formulare de Aplicare, programe utile